First Official HHP Team-Playground Install

Our first team consisting of 8 men traveled to Haiti to install a playground for King's Garden and School.  Funds for the playground were donated by the kids from Ferson Creek School in St. Charles, IL and children from the Vacation Bible of the Mennonite Church in Lowpoint, IL.  This is what the team leader, Ro Sparacio had to say about the trip... "All the playground equipment was installed. Despite the hot temps the team worked well together and good fellowship was had by all. We had opportunities to get to know the Haitian masons “Boss Michelange” (Michelangelo ) and Pileon who we worked alongside. Over lunch Michelange shared his favorite scripture John 3:16 and what it meant to him. It was clear these men had a passion for Christ and their faith was their foundation despite the difficulties of finding work to support their families. Time was short but we sensed both men were encouraged as we listened to their life stories and shared ours. Both men’s faith in Christ were an inspiration. The team took frequent water breaks which also included interaction with the always inquisitive and fun-loving children. Needless to say they couldn’t wait for the footings to solidify so they could enjoy the equipment. The last day onsite concluded with the children’s expressing their appreciation in word and song (Every Move I Make was one of many).

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17"

Dr. Morquette reports that the children love the new playground and were touched by the generosity of the American children who donated.